Machine Learning

Why are fractals important



Why are fractals important A fractal is a never-ending pattern that repeats, in the same way that a coastline or a snowflake never stops repeating Fractals are very important in art and science For example, fractals are used in weather forecasting, to help predict a day's weather patterns They are also used in computer graphics, and in the design of highways, bridges, and buildings Fractals are all around us There are fractals in art, music, and nature Mathematics and art are not the only places where fractals appear In nature, there are many things with fractal patterns the fractal patterns that are found in a pinecones When you look at pinecones from a distance, you only see a pattern of points But when you get closer, you can see that the pattern is made up of smaller patterns, which are made up of smaller patterns, and so on If you look at a pinecone through a magnifying glass, you will see even smaller patterns Fractals are also found in the leaves of plants, like the fern If you loo