Machine Learning

Why is accountability the ability to rise above circumstances



Accountability is the ability to take responsibility for your actions and make everything work to your advantage What does accountability mean? It is the state of being responsible for something It is to be answerable for something It means to be liable for something or to be called to account for something Ask yourself: Am I accountable for my life? Am I responsible for my own actions? Am I in charge of my life? Am I personally responsible for creating my own reality? If you believe that you are not accountable for your life, then you have given control of your life to other people and to external circumstances In other words, you are giving up control of your life One of the greatest tragedies in life is to give up the control of your life If you are not responsible for your life, then you can only blame other people and external circumstances for your problems Sometimes when we are growing up, we give up control of our life We often blame our parents for our problems We blame our friends, our