Machine Learning

Shackleton way



Shackleton believed in the importance of comforts in maintaining morale. Shackleton insisted on healthy diet, exercise, and reasonably safety measures. The play soccer and hockey, raced the dogs, and took long walks. Orde-Lees rode his cherish bicycle and one venture went too far and got lost, after that Shackelton forbad his to ride the bicycle. In order to prevent men from getting lost in the dark, Shackleton order ice mounts be placed around the ship. Frank Hurley place lights 20 feet talk near the ship to light the floes. Shackleton matched personality types with work assignments. This knowledge became especially help when assignments were given to route crew to specific lifeboats in the crossing to Elephant Island. Each team functioned because of the talents and strengths of its crew members. Shackleton brought these talents together in an effective manner. Shackelton wanted to place each man in a long term job that he enjoyed. Shackleton viewed each member of the crew as a human being and form personal