Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

Growing Your Team? Use This Proven Playbook to Hire + Onboard Quickly and Effectively with Heidi DeCoux



Episode #261.About Heidi DeCoux:Heidi is a serial entrepreneur who’s built four businesses to high-six-figure status with 50%+ profit margins, sold three of them, one of which was a 7-figure exit, appeared in magazines and websites like Forbes, and is the author of an Amazon best-selling book on marketing. She’s become known as "The Optimizer" because she’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs optimize their businesses and lives.She combined her passion for optimization with her marketing and business skills to launch her newest company, Alchemized Teams, which is designed to help small businesses increase revenue and profit margins by transforming their teams and leveraging AI.Connect with Heidi DeCouxWebsiteFacebookTwitter InstagramFavorite Quotes“When you have a role open in your company, you post it in several places and you've got an online vetting funnel. So, you get a lot of candidates that are good quality candidates and you can be matched with the right person.” - Heidi DeCoux“We ten