Machine Learning

Ben Taylor talks about the doomsday machine, the hive mind and autonomous warfare



Star Trek : the ultimate computer. The M5 introduced a new type of computer. A computer capable of human thought and morality. Spock realized the M5 was not acting in a logical manner. m5 seemed to be learning like a child and making mistakes. The M5 increased it energy usage as it processed information drawing power directly from the anti-matter chamber. The M5 believe it was wrong to kill. The m5 did not seem to be aware that its actions were resulting in death. Kirk asked the M5, "what is the penalty for murder" and the M5 replies, "death". Kirk asks the M5, "how will you pay for the deaths for members of excaliber". The M5 responds by leaving itself vulnerable to Admiral Wesley. Kirk gained some control of the ship with Scottie telling him that shields were available. Kirk gambles on Wesley's compassion and wins. Are computers more efficient than people? In some tasks the answer is yes. Do people prefer machines over people. Absolutely not. A machine is not a person. Machines are tools. McCoy brings out