Grace Church

Spending | Balanced | Week 4



Big Idea: We honor God with our faithful spending.  Unhealthy Spenders:   Impulsive spender   Compulsive Spender   Revenge Spender   Boredom Spender   Special Interest Spender   Status spender     5 Areas of Wise Spending (Proverbs 31)   Housing and food (:14-15)   Investing (:16)   Utilities/ Necessities (:18)   Sharing with those in need (:20)   Personal Items and Clothing (:21-22)     Questions to ask before you spend  Have I prayed about it?   Do I need it?   Can I pay cash for it?   What is my motivation for wanting it?   What are the long-term costs associated with it?   Will it benefit God’s kingdom?    Next Steps   Take a break from spending  Put a limit on your spending   Explore frugality