Next New England

Episode 88: Saved



Architect Duo Dickinson ruminates on one of the staples of New England architecture: the stone wall. Photo by Ryan Caron King for Connecticut Public Radio This week we discuss how David Shulkin’s departure from the White House will affect veteran care in New Hampshire. Miles away but worlds apart: dairy farmers in northern Vermont and southern Canada reflect on how national policies are affecting the future of their industry. Plus, 50 years after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we discuss his time in New England. Also, we go on a tour of New England’s unique architecture. It’s NEXT. The Future Of The Manchester VA The Manchester VA. Photo by Peter Biello for NHPR We check-in on the Veterans Association in Manchester, New Hampshire, where allegations arose last year of mismanaged care. Then-White House Secretary of Veteran Affairs, David Shulkin, pledged to help. But now Shulkin’s departure from the White House has left many veterans in Manchester wondering about the fut