Next New England

Episode 52: Yes, In Your Backyard



Lyme disease has been on the rise in New England, and early data suggests this is a particularly risky summer. We speak with a doctor who’s been trying to track the history, and discuss why preventing transmission can be so tricky. And we consider an immigration ruling by the high court in Massachusetts and how it may come into conflict with Trump administration directives. Plus, a 400-mile kayak trip, and other recreational opportunities. Before they hitch a ride on a deer, the majority of ticks that carry Lyme disease in the Northeast are actually infected by white-footed mice. Ecologists predicted a rise in Lyme disease cases this year after observing an explosion in the mouse population last summer. Photo by Stephen Reiss for NPR Free to Go John Adams Courthouse, home of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Photo by Joe Difazio for WBUR Tuesday night, the Trump administration took its first step toward making good on the President’s pledge to defund so-called sanctuary cities. The Department of Just