Next New England

Episode 37: Landscape



This week, we tackle the confusing and contradictory world of health care, from politics that are personal, to overcoming the trauma of being a refugee, to the shifting language of addiction. We also explore the work of Marsden Hartley, whose art defined the rocky coast, the looming hills, and the working men of Maine. Marden Hartley, Lobster Fishermen, 1940-41 Metropolitan Museum of Art New Ideas in Health Care We go to a clinic in Vermont that’s working to help treat the mental health issues of the refugee community there, both from past traumas and the stresses of transitioning into a new culture. And caregivers are pushing back against terminology that they think minimizes an illness or condition. That means the term “post-traumatic” is out, in favor of language that acknowledges the ongoing nature of trauma. In New Hampshire, many on the front lines of the opioid epidemic are coming to see addiction as a medical disorder. And the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act stalled