Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 467 Build a Better Brain: Part 1



The last time you misplaced your keys, you probably thought to yourself, “I wish I had a sharper mind!” Or, if you had to learn something new at school or work, you wished your brain was faster at learning and could retain information with better recall. At some point in our lives, most individuals have wanted to improve their cognition. Not just have a brain free of disease or trauma, but optimized in a way that allows you to be better, faster, fitter, stronger, and sharper. According to an AARP survey of Americans aged thirty-four to seventy-five, nearly everyone (93%) understands the vital importance of brain health. Still, those very same people typically have no idea how to make their brains healthier or the steps they could take to make it happen. Dr. Bray begins this three-part series by sharing information about the brain and its function. He shares information on how we store memory, and how what we recall can constantly change throughout our lives. In part two (episode 468), Dr. Bray discusses eight