The Hunt Backcountry Podcast

392 | Solo Elk Success at 60 Years Old (A Listener Story)



At just 60-years-young, Curtis continues to hunt hard. He is normally a listener of the podcast, but today he joins us as the guest — to tell us a story from his muzzleloader elk hunt this past fall. We discuss... - Why he continues to hunt elk solo - How he trains to be able to hunt the backcountry in his 60s - How he stays motivated to hunt when the conditions are tough - Simple ways he tracks and patterns elk when they are tough to find - What led to him making a big mistake with a knife and how he cared for the injury - Why he didn't seek immediate medical attention after a pretty serious wound - How his home and family life contribute to his hunting - And much more! Resources mentioned in this episode... - Error Precursors PDF: - Mike Prevost Podcast: LEAVE A MESSAGE: or Podcast Episode Archive: