Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

69: Animal haters, Porn in LTR, Being a nicer person, Decision fatigue & Netflix



1.  If evolutionary psychology considers parental investment theory and the investment in kin as essential why do so many people in the West keep animals.  2.  I used to get really upset when my partner watched . I have relaxed and now feel like it's not the worst thing he can do and will not end my relationship so I shouldn't get upset. What do you think? 3.  Can a person's placing on the agreeability continuum be situational? I believe I am more or less disagreeable depending on the dynamics of different relationships. Is there anything a disagreeable person like me can do to Beat My Genes and become a nicer person. 4.  Previously, you've mentioned the thing that matters for a woman's pair bond value is her physical attractiveness, and that the female is objectively 1 rating more attractive than the male, who comes with resources. I know a few couples where the male is significantly more attractive than the female, and in which the female has greater resources to offer than the male. This sort of pair bondi