David Hathaway

Perseverance and wisdom / James Bible Study (Part 2)



“Perseverance must finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” The difference between childishness and maturity is perseverance. It’s only through perseverance that you get to maturity. In verse 5 James says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and doesn’t criticise, upbraid, or reproach, but gives to all men generously without finding fault with you!” If we lack wisdom, we need to ask! I do this all the time. I know what job God has given me to do, but I’m always asking, “How do I do it?” It’s not just a question of perseverance in the doing but finding out how to do it! That comes with every task. We have to become skilled in our persevering, we have to learn how to do the job! I marvel at some ladies who can put together a meal without reference to a cookery book - but they have experience, it makes it easier. So it is in our spiritual experience. It’s the maturity that comes with experience, when we don’t always have to look