God Is Not Fair?

Men and Mental Health



As per an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) research, Every 7th Indian man is shaken up by the mental health disorders. Men are a species who have to handle/ manage several expectations right from the childhood and this does leave them frustrated as they grow giving them the sense of "No one loves me unconditionally, everyone around me needs something or the other from me". I can't pinpoint one thing about the problem but yes, somewhere as a society we have gone wrong the trend seems to be continuing. The suicide death rate for men has increased from 18.7% to 23.4%. 10-34-year-old men's suicide rate is the second-highest leading and fourth leading in the case of 30-35 years old. Today's episode starts with a poem written by me followed by the casual chat with a business leader who interacts with thousands of people across the world. I hope this cuts some ice. Stay tuned and see you soon. Jai Hind Vivek www.thevivek.in