Keepin It Real With Janean

Dr. Brian Caswell P2: The 8 Extraordinary Meridians (E 170)



Dr. Brian Caswell is a doctor of Chinese Medicine who also experienced a Near Death Experience which we talk about in Episode 163. IN part one of our conversation, Brian shared how his NDE has affected his life. In Part 2 of our conversation he is going to share with us the Daoist Chinese Medicine perspective of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. What is traditional Chinese Medicine - a little history Stone medicine is very powerful - Heaven’s energy in solid form Do you feel like you are in the wrong body? The wrong timeline? etc Searching for what your purpose is Acting as a conduit of change Using herbs and stones that match the vibrations of the channels Tapping into the akashic records Self Cultivation Daoist Traditions, Ashville NC 8 Extraordinary meridians charts - Who am I… Why am I here Cycles of 7 & 8 are when major life events occur and record a major imprint in time There are ways to tap into aspects of self that perhaps w