Elite Expert Insider

The Power of Effective Landing Pages with Jenn Foster



Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews her business partner Jenn Foster about her journey in website development and how they ventured into the publishing industry. Listen Below: Watch Below: Click here to access all of Elite Expert Insider podcasts. What You’ll Learn in this Episode: How to gain credibility with a website. How to know what kind of website you need. How to promote your book with a website. Quotes: "Especially even just, any business, if you don't have a website, how do they know you're real and you're credible? And where can they go to contact you if they need to contact you?" (06:34) "If you're not a blogger and you don't plan on posting a blog or hiring someone to do your blog, then you don't need a blog post on your website." (10:49) "An author website really is robust and makes it so people can know, and trust you more and wanna know more for your next book or for your services." (14:56) About Jenn Foster: Jenn is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Intern