Geek Herring

Geek Discussion: Morals in Entertainment: When do you walk away?



How do you handle your morals regarding the entertainment you consume? This world is a wild place, full of dodgy people doing questionable things. So how do you navigate that?Some moral decisions are easier to make than others. H*rry P*tter and the TERF Queen? Yeah, walk away. Old Navy and their fatphobia or makeup brands and animal testing - these things maybe don't matter as much to you. Sexual harassment at game studios? Questionable. Fast fashion? Definitely a moral quandary that we can't fit into this episode!This is a big episode. There's a lot to discuss when it comes to this topic and we've really only scratched the surface. Some of our big points: you don't have to do it all choose your morals whenever it feels right put your money into causes or companies you support/who are doing good instead of corporations doing things against your morals there is no such thing as a moral billionaire don't let yourself get burnt out! take care of your emotional wellbeing in this wild climate What did you think? J