Geek Herring

Geek Girl Stereotypes: Identify, Self-Reflection, and Toxic Femininity



A recent post by a well known business coach sparked some outrage about what it means to be a woman. According to her, anything less than high heels, sexy lingerie, and cooking naked in the kitchen for your man is not feminine enough. We TOTALLY disagree! Femininity comes in many different shapes and forms, and what's right for one person might not feel right for the next.As self-identified geek girls, or geeky women, we don't necessarily like to dress up and wear heels. But does that make us any less feminine? NO! Being a womxn means whatever you want it to mean. You don't need to be all pink, frills, and lingerie if you don't want to. You can be sneakers, t-shirts, and jeans if that's what you want. The most important thing is that you are COMFORTABLE and HAPPY with what you do! Don't try to fit into a box just because some coach says you should.It's like when we had our episode about The Mask You Live In where we talked about toxic masculinity in America. Feminine and masculine qualities fall on a spectrum