Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

6 Neck Exercises for Your Thyroid Gland



Can certain exercises help your thyroid gland function? Not in a direct way but perhaps in an indirect way! And that’s exactly what these neck exercises are designed to do. You can indirectly support thyroid function by exercising your neck which can help in a number of different ways: #1. Neck exercises can help improve blood flow to the area of your neck. Working out the muscles in your neck will increase blood flow to the musculature itself. Your thyroid will benefit due to its proximity to these muscles. #2. Neck exercises help improve venous outflow out of your thyroid gland. Bringing new blood into your neck will mean blood must flow out of it! #3. Neck exercises can help improve lymphatic flow OUT of your neck. The lymphatic system is designed to help carry waste products away from your cells so your body can eliminate them. Exercising muscles is known to improve this system. #4. Neck exercises can bring balance to the musculature of the neck and help with things like tension headaches, trigge