Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Quorum Sensing with Belinda Reynolds



They lie in wait, biding their time until their numbers grow. Then suddenly, they strike and wreak havoc upon the harmonious community. You'd think this is a story about revolution, but actually we're talking about the constant battle for supremacy which is being waged inside us. It's called quorum sensing, and it's a mechanism whereby micro-organisms silently grow in number while evading immune surveillance until they are numerous enough to sprout forth and cause an overt infection. They often do this by forming biofilms, which cloak their communities enabling them to evade detection - even antibiotics have a hard time penetrating these coatings! Today, Belinda Reynolds will take us through quorum sensing, biofilms and how we can effectively rebalance our microcosmic communities using natural medicines. *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor