Mylife: Chassidus Applied

How Should We Address the Recent Controversy Around Women Becoming “Halachik Advisors”?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Chof Zayin Adar  Did the Rebbe give us any hints or do anything unusual before Chof Zayin Adar?   What are we supposed to do after the Rebbe’s stroke?  What were the Rebbe’s last public words before Chof Zayin Adar?   What lessons can we learn from the occurrences of the painful years of 5752-5754 after 27 Adar? How did it affect you? Lessons from Beis Nissan  Please give a short summary and discuss a few innovative ideas of the Rebbe Rashab?  Did the artist Marc Chagall visit the Rebbe Rashab?  Would it be appropriate for our yeshivos to have art and music classes so we can help develop talented artists in our community?  Chassidus Applied to Vayikra   Why is the alef of Vayikra smaller than the other letters?  Why doesn’t it say who called Moshe?  What is the spiritual significance of the various types of animal, grain, and incense Temple offerings? And how do we accomplish that today?  What