Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 441: How to Resolve Differences Between Spouses?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: How do we increase in the joy of Adar after Purim? What work is required from us in the days between Purim and Pesach? Chassidus Applied to Vayakhel-Pekudei and HachodeshWhat lessons do we learn from the combination of Vayakhel and Pikudei? What is the first thing they did inside the Mishkan? What is the connection between the new moon and the Egyptian exodus? Chassidus Applied to 25 AdarThe creation and birthday of the world The birthday of the Rebbetzin How to resolve differences between spouses?What can I do about my spouse being emotionally unavailable? How can I bridge the gulf created between me and my spouse due to us not being on the same religious level? How do I maintain sholom bayis when my spouse is doing things that I find questionable? What can I do if I love my husband but don’t respect him? How do I avoid going into survival/fight mode when my wife criticizes me? Is Yoga kosher? Follow-up:Can we ask for wealth? Psychedelics W