Angel Invest Boston

SVB's Failure - Historical Perspective for Founders & Investors



What founders and investors in startups need to know about the history of bankruns and how to protect themselves from them in the future. Here's the text on which my talk was based: Historical Perspective on SVB’s Failure for Investors & Founders  This is Sal Daher of the Angel Invest Boston podcast. Prior to becoming an investor in tech startups, I spent decades as a banker and trader involved with the distressed debt of countries. My experience came in handy recently in allowing me to reassure the startups in my portfolio with deposits at SVB that the FDIC would have no option but to make all depositors whole.  This piece aims to explain why the business model of banks and past government decisions precluded any other options. It also points to ways that founders can manage deposit risk. While it bothers me to see well-off people bailed out by the taxpayer, it is the necessary if imperfect course of action until we make structural changes to hold bank management more accountable. Why was I so certain i