Erasing Shame

Holidays, Hurts, and Healing (s4e03)



As we end the year 2019, co-hosts Helen Choi and DJ Chuang talk about how the holiday season brings up all kinds of mixed emotions from family memories past and expectations for the present and future. We explore how forgiveness and grace are vital to the journey of healing. Trigger Warning for this episode names the painful and traumatic things that have happened to people. Nothing graphic, but the mere mention of those categories can be triggering for some. Naming the pain is an important step towards erasing shame. We are genuinely sorry for the pain and trauma that has happened to you. We believe you have the strength to survive, to heal, and to thrive when you experience the power of forgiveness and grace. Show Notes Holiday Depression and Stress (WebMD) How to practice forgiveness for a healthier and happier holiday – Methods to improve your emotional health and time with family and friends (CBC Life) Season 4 Episode 1 of Erasing Shame – back story of Helen Choi and DJ Chuang History of Hanukkah Histo