Starseed Radio Academy

Transformative Healing and Empowerment



After experiencing excruciating pain and sub par existence of being bedridden for a year, Nicole tried energy work and was better with 3 treatments in two weeks' time.  She studied energy work in every form, voraciously and in depth, ever after.  Her new levels of embodiment, as well as work with clients, presented further spiritual and emotional work to experience. She focused solely on healing, invested in extensive trainings and showed up for all that needed intense loving, compassion, and nurturing. She's undergone a drastic letting go, allowing nothing that has presented itself as incompatible with her full health and wellbeing.  Which entailed doing a lot of what she said she’d never do…Gone into the caves she's feared most to reclaim her most precious treasures - wholeness, peace, and satisfaction with life.  She now funnels her passionate nurturing, transformative and aligning energy to the Goddesses who are ready to remember themselves on a profoundly sovereign level, process their excess empathic em