Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 43 - Your Life Breakthrough Blessings in a Specific Place waiting for your Obedience



Epi. 43 - Your Life Blessings in a Specific Place waiting for your Obedience to Divine Instruction. Recognize the Spiritual Laws governing PLACES and the Changing times and seasons, as we approach this Year 2020 and its new seasons of blessings in LIFE. Not just any blessings to rob and destroy your life to waste, for what shall it profit you if you gain all earthly treasures and lose your Life? Hell is not a place for you. GOD has designed and planned a specific place or places for your Life transforming breakthrough Blessings. To propel forward in the victory of Jesus Christ through Life battles, to reach your destined place of breakthroughs, miracles and all Gods Blessings.  Your Act of Obedience to your divine inspirations in GOD is KEY - Your Obedience to ACT FAITH and TRUST in GOD to guide you in Jesus name is KEY to your LIFE BLESSINGS, Miracles and Life Transforming Breakthroughs and all GOD's Blessings destined to surge your forward in his Mercy and in the riches of his GLORY through LIFE. Take