Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 32 - Overcome the Lusts of the Flesh - Take hold of your Freedom !



Epi. 32 - Overcome the Lusts of the Flesh - Take hold of your Freedom ! Sharing with You this inspirational Wisdom by the Light of God's Word through our Faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ, in his Good News, in the Gospel of our Salvation in Jesus Christ Alone.  If you can BELIEVE all is made possible for You, to live and enjoy your Freedom indeed in your Salvation in Christ.   Stay connected by Faith and May the LORD Jesus  Enlighten You the More in his Wisdom and Power, through the Light of His Living Spirit WORD.   Welcome to subscribe, and follow Kinsman Podcast (Audio):  Welcome to follow, my Twitter at:  Welcome to support and Follow Kinsman Podcast FACEBOOK Channel at Stay connected by Faith, recognizing that you are predestined by Faith in the Finished Works of Jesus Christ the LORD, for Your Eternal Victory, as Citizens of Heaven,