Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 31 - Freedom! You are included - What a Grace!



Epi. 31 - Freedom! You are included What a Grace! Sharing with You Precious Souls, of you whom you are, called through Jesus Christ the LORD; for Precious You are in the sight of God in Jesus Christ the LORD; You are Precious and Loved before God, Predestined Victorious in Jesus Christ.  Indeed You are predestined in the Freedom of your Salvation in Jesus Christ,  - if you BELIEVE indeed to heart and agree to the Covenant of Faith in the Finished Works of Jesus Christ, whereby God our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ the LORD offering You eternal Freedom, eternal Life, as Citizen of Heaven, Hallelujah,  YES! You are included by his Grace to live the remaining of your Life in the Victory of Jesus through your Salvation in Him. To you agree! Amen and Amen.    Welcome to Follow me on Twitter: Kinsman Podcast (Audio):  Don't forget to share some love through Faith, by staying connected in Faith, and Let us continue to