Story U Talk Radio With Coach Debby

Story U Talk Radio 03 - 14 - 19 Writing through the tricky, sticky, dark, and scary



Writing through the tricky, sticky, dark, and scary Guest Sunny Joy McMillan You know her from "Sunny in Seattle" on KKNW's Friday morning show, but what you might not know is how her amazing book, Unhitched: Unlock Your Courage and Clarity, and Unstick Your Bad Marriage has transformed HER life. Yes!! Writing a book reaches thousands and sometimes millions of readers, but writing also creates sticky, tricky, dark and scary terrain for the writer to navigate. You hear that writing "frees us!" -- Sunny's story is a testament to that -- but writers who create work to transform lives are literally re-connecting with their subconscious to get permission to share. Not for the faint of heart but not an impossible journey, either, as you will learn from our conversation! Sunny shares openly about her "perfect-looking life" and how it REALLY felt. Have you been there? Have you had an image that exuded success and an interior world that looked like a train wreck? We will talk about such incongruity on the s