Grief, Guts And Green Smoothies

114: Opposing & Shared Views of Grief - a Debate



When Melissa sat down to speak with Jon, what came out was not what she expected. But it was perfectly perfect.Jon and Melissa have different perspectives on grief. While they find a middle ground during this conversation, their experiences and lessons from grief contrast with one another.So this episode shows that it’s okay to have different views. You can still respect each other. And even on emotionally-charged topics like grief, love, finances, and life’s purpose - multiple truths can exist.And while we can’t allow others to make us wrong, it’s important to take a step back from the idea of right and wrong. And step into the choice and freedom to align with what authentically works for us. In that alignment, massive co-creation, learning, and evolution occur. Melissa’s beliefs have evolved since the start of this podcast. If we do not recognize that we may see things differently one day, we are not leaving room for growth, discovery, or curiosity.Jon Connelly recently published Grief is Not Sacred and cre