Random Ish W Sonja

We are NOT the little elephant anymore



Hello, Hello, Hello, Sorry for the break, ya girl has been going through some ish!!!!!! My issue along with a post I saw and what happened today has me ready to speak. The whole world is changing hopefully for the better, or at least for those of us who have been doing the inner work. It’s time for us to stop accepting old patterns of thought that hurt us as a whole. Today I’m talking about women, specifically black women. I am so tired of the stereotype of the angry black woman. ALL women get it, when you know what you want and go for it, you can get labeled as a bitch or aggressive, rather than assertive or knowing your vision. I saw a post online of some young men saying their preference in dating, now if you have listened before or if you know me then you know I am down with the swirl. That is not the issue, it’s the reason these men gave for not wanting to date black women. Take listen from their own mouths. Now to keep it real, I have thought a similar thought about black men, they don’t know how to dat