Underground Usa

The Misdirection Of The Bright-Shiny Thing



Before we get into this morning's episode on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we talk about the non-existent indictment of Donald Trump, I'd like to point out that in the media realm, that story sucked all the air out of the room.The fake news of a Trump indictment being used as a “bright-shiny thing,” we are being distracted from what happened with the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and a few of the banks that went belly up.Once again, banks were bailed out by the American people in the guaranteeing of deposits beyond the established limit, that everyone knew about. This is another “too big to fail” type of mechanism the federal government is using to reward the ultra-rich who are ignoring risk to make money because they know the taxpayer is always going to be forced to bail them out.If they don't feel some kind of pain for their bad economic practices how are we going to have a stable market? We can't have a stable Market! If banking institutions realize they can act i