Actual Anarchy Podcast

Episode 7 - President's Day Special - Lincoln (1:14:48)



We take the President's Day holiday as an opportunity to examine America's favorite president as depicted by Daniel Day-Lewis in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln. Let's just say that a Rothbardian Anarcho-Capitalist perspective is not kind to old "honest" Abe.We have a special guest, Actual Anarchy contributor, Rex Gazer. Look for articles from him on the site soon; and once he launches his own, we will push it vigorously.From the film, we see our hero avoiding peace by delay; thus prolonging the war. Visiting the wounded (A saint!). They depict Lincoln as a deity.I like how they painted the guy who called out Lincoln for jailing journalists, suspending habeus corpus and acting like a dictator as a smug, virulent racist. Thus, his arguments are automatically invalid.Later in the movie, Lincoln slapped his son. That's assault brother.Here are a few articles to review: