"tapp" Into The Truth

Representing ME, the Mysteries of a Manhattan Indictment, & Patriot Music



For the second year in a row, Joe Biden has snubbed Hungary, excluding them from his so-called “Summit for Democracy,” which has a guest list of 120 countries. Hungary is just a little pro-West, pro-family, and anti-woke to be welcome at a Biden party. I was joined by Todd McNutt, the author of Other People's Secrets: Life UN-redacted and founder and creator of the political media platform Representing ME, to discuss the new platform. Then I was joined by John D. O'Connor, former Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California and author of The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened to discuss the attempt to indictTrump. In the second hour, I was joined by the founder of Patriot Music, Matt Fitzgibbons. We discussed federalism, the banning of TicTok, and Matt's music too. Other People's Secrets: Life UN-redacted Representing ME The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today's Partisan Advocacy Journalism