"tapp" Into The Truth

F*** Capitalism and Other Things School Teachers Might Say



Rebecca F. Rothstein, a self-described communist teacher from Maryland insisted on her now deactivated TicTok account, that educators should not prioritize teaching students math and science but instead provide lessons on anti-racism - which is woke code for racism against white people - and that "capitalism must go" and "revolutions involve violence." Kirk Miller, a high school health teacher and football coach in Oregon, got parents angry after they discovered he had assigned homework asking students to write sexual fantasy stories and mark the initials of a man or woman next to the sexual activities they would perform. Mid Vermont Christian School’s girls’ basketball team forfeited a game in the state playoffs because their opponent had a high school boy on the team. Now the Vermont Principals’ Association has banned the school from future tournaments.  The Patriot Power Generator is in stock and ready to ship from 4Patriots.com. Don't forget to use code TAPP to save 10% on first-time orders of anything i