Mark Pires Real Talk

When someone says you can’t, smile and thank them for the fuel!



Mark Pires Real Talk - Friday night Day 312 in a row recorded 11/8/19. Today on Veterans Day we release podcast #36. People only fuel us with their negativity and lack of support. On this podcast I give you both the Facebook and the Instagram SNL! This podcast is filled with philosophy, motivation, positivity and lots of great songs and improvisation on The BeatSeat™️! Just tune in a drive! Here is a list of tracks listed in order as they appear throughout the show... 1. Space in time (live improvisation) 2. Dayo 3. Hey Jude 4. Gently (Live Improvisation). 5. Turn the lights out (live improvisation) every instrument you hear, trumpet. Bass, piano, steel drums all coming from my Roland Gr-33 guitar synthesizer. That is me playing everything in real time.. Then for the last 15 minutes Akbar Miladi tunes in with his classroom of English students in Iran, it’s 11pm for me and their day has just begun. I was so inspired to have a classroom watching the show that I delivered this Real Talk message directly from the