Double Your Dental Production Tomorrow | The Team Training Institute | Professional Dental Consultants

Ep 110: Damaging Myths of the Dental Business (+ 3 Profitability Levers to Improve Performance)



There are pervasive myths in all industries that, if left unchecked, can damage the morale of business owners. Dentistry is no different. Today, we’re debunking some of these myths so you can make decisions in your dental practice with confidence. In this episode of The Double Your Production Podcast, Dr. John Meis and Wendy Briggs are clearing up 3 myths that have been floating around in dentistry lately and sharing 3 ways to improve performance and profit during times of uncertainty. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why focusing on cost-cutting strategies can hurt business opportunity (you should be aware of your spending, but don’t make cost cutting your primary focus) How to use small changes in the practice to create big improvements in profitability A crucial shift the practice philosophy to make sure the team and the patients feel valued How to use the Toyota method to create greater efficiency in the practice Easy ways to expand the practice and the procedures offered   Don’t let yourself get swept up