Unconventional Leaders

Male Stripper Turned Abstinence Advocate (Rob Kowalski)



His mom became pregnant with him when she was 14 and he said that he “taught himself to be a man”. After puberty his goal was to be a male stripper. And he became one. However he said after he had an encounter with God at the beach he started seeing the “repercussions” of his lifestyle. Today we dig into what he believes the consequences are, the loneliness and struggle of going against the grain, and why he now teaches abstinence. Connect with Rob: https://robbkowalski.com/ or https://www.cityfam.com/   WHO IS ROB? Rob is considered the #1 authority on sex, waiting for the right person, and overcoming loneliness in life during the wait. He is a best-selling author, coach and speaker. His video entitled 10 Reasons Not To Have Sex Before Marriage made me a viral sensation on YouTube and became the #1 video in the world on the subject with 1.7 million views and climbing. He is the founder of CityFam, a global movement of “friends with better benefits” on a mission to end loneliness.   TOPICS: What does hearing