Unconventional Leaders

Owning Mistakes, Intentional Movement, and Rethinking Success (Brandon Lee)



We all make mistakes. Sometimes we run HARD after something and realize that the thing we were running after was not what it seemed. So many people chance success only to find that it was not what they thought. What do you do when everything you worked so hard for comes crashing down? That’s exactly what happened to our guest this week, Brandon Lee. After experiencing success he found himself in a season where he lost everything and had to “come face to face with his brokenness”.  Now, he says that he wants to help others “live in the sweet spot of life”. He believes that this comes only through  “intentional movement” and owning your mistakes. This is an important conversation for ALL Unconventional Leaders regardless of where you are on your journey because it reminds us to not get caught up in the ‘success” game and to focus on what REALLY matters.   WHO IS BRANDON? Brandon Lee helps coaches GROW their businesses and people GROW their lives.  He owns two marketing tech companies, and has “been a business c