Sex, Magick & Dessert

Sex, Art, Freedom & Alchemy w/ Author, Artist and Host of Speak Sex Podcast : Eve Euradice



Born on Lesbos, Greece, Eurydice is a multimedia artist and visionary whose body of work is infused with a consistent ideological and aesthetic study of female marginalization and objectification, and the dualisms of mind vs. body, of repressed vs. uninhibited sexuality in daily life, as these are influenced by history and displacement. Eurydice Eve is the author of Satyricon USA; A Journey Across The New Sexual Frontier (by Scribner , Simon & Schuster, & Touchstone); of f/32: The Second Coming (by Virago Press); of f/32 (by Fiction Collective) & is at work on her memoir The Lesbian, her novella Eurydice In Her Own Words, & her non-fiction book Speak Sex To Power. A live conversation about sex & intimacy, fact & fear, gender & patriarchy, Body-Mind-Soul. Real Sex, Real Talk. Transformational Education. We aim to launch a new collective language * all-inclusive cultural acceptance of articulate conscious sex. Interviews, news, truths. Be on the frontlines of the Sexual R/Evolution: