Cinema Joes

Petite Maman (2021)



We are officially in the summer doldrums of movie calendar, and, for Cinema Joes, that means finally paying off this years Oscar bet. As loyal listeners already know, every year Alex, Justin, and Noah try to guess who will win and who will lose at the Academy Awards. This year, Justin took home the top prize by guessing the most categories correctly, and that means we are watching a film of his choice. He was gracious enough to chose an excellent and, until recently, hard to see French film from last year called Petite Maman, directed by Portrait of a Lady on Fire director Céline Sciamma. In our Full Disclosure segment, we also discussed Prey (2022), Bad Luck Banging or Looney Porn (2021), The Gray Man (2022), & Cherry (2021). Don’t forget to follow the show @CinemaJoes on Twitter and follow our hosts around the web at the following places! Hosts' Other Pods Podwork Angels - TV Break - Bill vs. The MCU Hosts' Writing Justin’s Blog - Justin’s Letterboxd Noah‘s Blog - &n