Outsports Radio

The Trans Sporter Room Ep136 -- The Puget Sound Pronouns: Made In Seattle



Seattle, Washington. A city that seems to groove to a beat all its own. It seems to zig when much of country zags. It's known for grey flannel skies with a soundtrack of raw grunge. It the place where a space needle once took up space on the jersey of the city's first winner. Its the town that gave us Supersonics, Kid Griffey, Ichiro...and "Baby Got Back" It's the sports town that dared to embraced the beat of the Sounders, that welcomes the Storm, and now releases the Kraken. In this city lives a proud lady named Brittney Miller. steeped in Seahawk blue-silver and Cougar crimson-grey fiercely worn through many Apple Cups, she loves to the hit and field in softball, and she can play. Just ask her ;) A year ago , Miller decided to celebrate her game and her journey by starting a team built to bring those usually left on the bench into the fray. She picked quite the name for this squad: Puget Sound Pronouns For real. The Pronouns. But as she as founder/manager and her front office right hand in team videographe