Dr. Judy Wtf

Spring Cleaning! Purging Narcissists and Your Narcissistic Traits!



It's important to the Social environment is just as important as your physical environment, if not more. Why? Because the man with the sex or mental health attacks are of physical health. Being that the mind and the body are interconnected. When looking at who to purge and how to purge, we've got to consider who they are in our lives. Certainly there are people in our lives that we depend on for a paycheck and for family structure. So we have to be careful with that and make sure the timing is all correct. If we decide that they no longer are welcome in our lives. We recognize narcissists, particularly by their lack of ability to empathize. People who are easy, easy to envy others, people who steal the show, people who take the center stage, or people who objectify others, gaslight others demean, devalue and destroy are people who have narcissistic traits.