Accelerating Entrepreneurial Success (audio) With John Bowen

Stake Claim To Your Own Unique ‘Cyber Shelf Space’ With Josh Greene And His Powerful Online Marketing Strategies – Episode 175



Want more clients knocking down your doors? Experience the creativity of Josh Greene as he optimizes search engines, re-targets and perfects your online presence to nail your client experience! Josh Greene is founder and CMO of The Mather Group, a digital marketing agency with over 25 years of experience. Dramatically increasing revenue leads for its clients, The Mather Group has worked successfully with small and large businesses, including premier companies such as Time Warner Cable and Discovery Channel. Their main focus: to dramatically improve how people find you online. By optimizing search engines to Wikipedia presence, you too can increase your ideal client leads and drive your target market. Resources Josh Greene - The Mather Group Mentions Joe Polish - also at AES Nation Frank Kern John’s 3 Key Take-aways There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. Do you want to get really clear on who your ideal clients are? Stake claim to your cyber shelf space and start convinci