Simmons Here And Now

TELL THE DAMN STORY Ep 252: How Do Writers Figure Out Who, What, & How To Promote Their Work?



When Is a Meeting Not a Meeting? When it becomes an Episode! This week, Alex and Chris were innocently having a pre-production meeting when an episode of TTDS broke out! That's right, folks, we realized that the stuff we were talking about is probably precisely the same stuff you're talking about – ways to get your work out in front of the people who are most likely to purchase and enjoy it. In this episode, we talk about all sorts of information sources and newsletters that will help you reach those goals. It is an unstructured, on-the-fly episode that really shows you a peek behind the scenes and offers many ways to help you tell your own damn story, and then position it so people will be able to find it. We hope you enjoy and benefit from this very different but exciting episode. Here are some of the names mentioned in this episode: #JoshSpector #AmyPorterfield #PodcastBeyondTheMicrophone #SteveOlsher #PatFlynn #TimFerris #NickStephenson #PublisherRocket #AskThePublic #DerekDoepker #AlexCattoni