Ponderings From The Perch

The Birthday "Inside Jokes and People you should Know" Show



Hi, I’m Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird here at Little Bird Marketing and I’m a St. Patrick’s Day birthday! Everyone wants to party on my birthday and have fun. I am a fun person - very outgoing and funny (if you agree, please call one of my kids and let them know). But people often think I am a people person. I’m really not. I’m a “my kind of people” person. What I mean by that is I like people who are overtly helpful, bring energy into the room, give without thinking of getting and don’t take themselves too seriously. I love this industry and have met so many colleagues who have become friends - like really good friends. I had a lot of friends before I got into this industry, but I made room for more. Do you see how much fun I’m having and want to be a part of it? Good news! In this episode I scrap the rules, call my bestie, Sarah Kotva and gossip about people in the industry. It’s all good and you’ll have a great time. So grab a glass of wine with us and let us introduce you to people you HAVE TO