Disrupted Tv Presents Dismissed With Jeremy Williams

#409 Jamal Shipman - CBS Survivor Contestant and Admissions Counselor



Jamal was a contestant on the 39th season of Survivor: Island of the Idols. When he’s not running around on a Fijian Island, he is the Admission Product Area Consultant for a database software company called Veracross. Before that, he worked as an admission professional at 2 independent high schools in Providence, RI, and Lawrenceville, NJ. After graduating from Brown University in 2007, he worked for the Prep for Prep program as a post-placement counselor in New York City. Education, diversity and equity work have been life-long passions of his, so weaving constructive conversations about identity and social justice into his everyday life and on deserted islands while playing Survivor just comes naturally to him. After the show, he hopes to find many more platforms to encourage these discussions and improve our collective fluency regarding these issues. Find Jamal on Social Media: https://facebook.com/jam.shipman https://twitter.com/JamManK9 https://instagram.com/jammank91/ Email: survivorjamal@gmail.com