Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 17 - Picard Season 3 - ”Imposters”



Season Three of Picard reaches its midpoint with a compelling mystery amping up to new heights of tension as a familiar face returns to confront an old mentor about new threats to the entire Federation. Aidan and Lindsay take a flyby of Episode 5 -- "Imposters" -- to discuss Captain Sassypants, Jack Crusher's subconscious, and that cameo in this week's Bicks Pod. Episode Sponsor: Bajoran's Box Bicks Log: Would you change how Ro Laren was used in this episode? Notes and Recognitions:  If you're into this sort of thing: Dreams about Doors "The Hedgehog's Dilemma" from Neon Genesis: Evangelion TV Tropes' entry on "fridging" Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music Ad muzak: "Sixty Second Commercial #1" by Mmigo/Michael Reynolds Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls