Convos With Cindy Kema

Story Time: Traveling to Nigeria with a toddler + The true toxicity of social media



Happy New Year everyone! It's good to be back. (I know, I know its 21 days into the new year but a new year nevertheless ;-)) In my first episode of the year I chronicle, in a story time format my recent trip to Nigeria with my one year old son, and the lessons I learned in the process. (spoiler alert: IT WAS STRESSFUL). It is definitely a good listen, especially if you are a mother thinking of traveling to Nigeria or anywhere overseas with your toddler under the age of 3.  I also briefly touch on an amazing interview series I watched with Sam Vaknin about the TRUE toxicity of social media and how we can identify and recognize what habits are toxic in relationship to social media. This video is in no way meant to deter or discourage anyone from using social media, but simply a great resource of information to have, to enable you to make more informed decisions about our social media habits and those habits of your children. IT IS A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WATCH!!! SAM VAKNIN: The TRUE toxicity of social media re