Chris Jones Media

Emotional Intelligence - with Monique Russell



March is Women's History Month - Here is how we are honoring it.  Emotional Intelligence How does it affect you on a daily basis? We'll do a deep dive into this and much more with Monique Russell, 'Communications Expert'. Expert only begins to describe Monique she is also into: Executive Communications | She is a Virtual Speaker & Trainer | a Podcast Host | She Coaches African Diaspora Women | and speaks about Diversity & Inclusion I dare say this is informative and valuable! In her own words: I’m Monique Russell, an executive coach, leadership guru, communication expert, and the founder of Clear Communication Solutions. Well, that’s what many people say about me. I come from a long line of educators in my family. I thought that one thing I was NEVER going to be was an educator. So it’s funny how I’ve been one all along, but never really realized it. All I wanted to do was to be on TV. I started acting, public speaking, and hosting events at a very young age. I was often called on to read